We work safely!
Crane service for ABC-Products Crane 100 and Crane 120 with Dekra – Expert inspection
according BetrSichV and DGUV V17
Especially the use of a camera crane requires not only attention and experience, but perfectly maintained equipment.
Use the calm winter months for a comprehensive safety check of your ABC-Products camera crane 100 and 120.
We provide this service for Euro 299.- *
This gives you a confirmation of the safety according to Dekra!
The services includes:
- Set up and checkout of the crane
- Quotation and supply of spare parts where necessary **
- Functional test and stress test
- Examination and certification according to Dekra***
This service can normally be carried out within one working day!
For an appointment: +49 (0)89-43 68 91 3
or by Mail: Info@movietech.de
*Price excl. VAT
**Spare parts are to be added to the offer
***International quality auditing company